Monday, September 8, 2008


Ellie went to her first day of preschool today. She has been asking for over a year and a half to go to school. She was so excited, she picked out her shirt herself, and her Aunt Patti and Uncle J sent her and Gracie new back to school sneakers in the mail...

She must have asked upwords of 20 times if it was time to go this morning. When we were walking up the stairs to go into the school, she squeezed my hand and said, "I AM SO HAPPY TO BE HERE!" Then she walked into the classroom like she owned the place, introduced herself to everyone, "Hi! I'm Ellie" Today was a short day at school for obvious reasons, except that Ellie was NOT HAPPY when I arrived to get her. She cried and wanted to stay at school more, and play on the playground there, which they didn't have time to do today. I am glad that she is so happy to be there but it was still a little hard on Mom, at least the first time is out of the way.
This is what Ellie had to say on the subject:
"We had cookies there and we um...played there for a little bit, and we went potty there, and um...had some milk and some pears, but I didn't like those pears so we threw them in the garbage. And thats all we had. We didn't play on the playground today, maybe next time we will, I hope we can. We played on the radio and jumped up, and um... we played there much. And I got a star its gone now, but maybe someday I will get another one, and I can't wait to show Daddy it"

No More Crib

Last Wednesday we took down the crib from our house...forever! I know it sounds really dramatic, but it was a very strange feeling. Warren and I are not having more babies, which in and of itself is not the strange thing, its just that the babies we have are not babies anymore! So Gracie is in Ellie's old toddler bed, and Ellie is in a twin bed. We had to entice Ellie into sharing her old bed with Grace, so we lured her by telling her she could get Hannah Montana bedding. We kept the bed set hidden until the day of the swap, and when Warren came out with it, Ellie was so excited, a million thank yous, she was squealing with excitement, and then of course informed Warren, "Daddy, you're a genius!"

After that, Ellie was thrilled to give her old bed to Gracie and shared her Disney Princess bedding with her (all on her own), and even helped tuck Gracie in that night. Since then, Grace has done amazingly with the toddler bed both at nap time and bed time, I think she really likes being a big girl. Ellie still loves her Hannah Montana bedding and her big girl bed, although she has fallen out twice at night, but she still loves it. And FYI, she is giving "Bull Horns" in the pictures, its her "thumbs up" she IS going to be a rock star!