Friday, April 4, 2008

Getting Away...

We leave tomorrow for a family vacation in Bradenton, Florida. My Parents, siblings (sorry Jamie! He can't come due to work obligations and we're all bummed), and my Aunt Lisa and Uncle Brian will all be there. This is the link to the place if you want to check it out, its a pretty nice place.
We have not been on a family vacation all together since 2004, and it's really exciting. When Ellie was a month old we took her, but Patti wasn't able to make it then, and besides it was really tough with Ellie being so little (and then there was the colic). My Aunt Lisa is Warren's age (quite a difference between her and my Dad age wise) and when we were kids, she came with us on a few family trips, she has always been very good to us, and we loved it when she came with. I am looking forward to hanging out with her and Brian, we haven't really done that since the kids. It will be good for Ellie and Gracie to spend some time with them too!
I am sure we will return with tons of great memories and pics, but the blog might be on hiatus until then...we'll see how ambitious I am. Warm weather and fun...HERE WE COME!!


Nancy said...

Yes, this would be a great idea, I have been on vacations with Nancy and her family 3 times. To have every family member meet there in a LARGE house that they rent-- it is always a blast. I know if my parents, and siblings would meet in a warm place in the spring time it would be as much fun!