We went to get our Pumpkins Friday. It was fun picking them out with the girls. Gracie says pumpkin clearly, and we have a lot of fun looking for them as we drive around. Ellie remembered the place we went to from last year and asked if I thought they would have a jump house there again. The memory on that kid never fails to amaze me! We didn't get them until a little later on Friday, and were having Warren's family over to celebrate Warren's and also his brother, Jim's birthdays on Saturday, so I told Ellie we had to wait until Sunday to carve them.
Saturday the girls and I spent about 3 hours baking. We made peanut butter cookies and orange sugar cookies for Warren, and an apple pie for Uncle Jim. The girls LOVE to help in the kitchen, and even though it makes things take 10 times longer, and the mess 10 times worse, I love it too. We had an awesome time hanging out with the fam. We all just got to hang out and relax, our girls were totally into hanging out with their big cousin Brayden. He is 9, and just a really great kid. He is so sweet with the girls, Cherie was laughing at the stark contrast between Brayden the cousin and Brayden the soccer player. I am sooo mad at myself because I went to take a picture of Ellie laying on his lap watching TV with him, and he was rubbing her head. TOO SWEET! We didn't want to ruin the moment, but when I went to take the picture, I realized my memory card was in my digital picture frame, and by the time I got to get it out, the moment had passed. BOO!
So today was the big day for carving pumpkins. Funny though, Warren and I were the only ones actually carving the pumpkins. For once we remembered that our kids are 3 and almost 2 and some things are just better in theory than in reality. Last year I remember Ellie being BORED out of her mind while we carved the pumpkin "with" her. So, this year Ellie and Grace painted pumpkins instead. For once, something that we (the collective we) were looking forward to doing, turned out!! The girls had a riot, and we just let them have at it! Check out the progression in the pictures. I know there are a ton of them, but I couldn't help myself, the bath was a total must, I put them in and had to drain the completely PINK water before I gave them a tubbie. I hope you find the pics as amusing as I do!
Nance, your girls are absolutely gorgeous. And these stories are hilarious. It figures you would have such bright, funny, loveable girls. Just like their mom!
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