Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ellie is THREE!

What a big girl! Ellie turned three on the first of March. We had a party with my side of our family on her birthday, a VERY Disney Princess birthday party. She went shopping with her Nonny for her party dress, and they found a disney princess skirt and shirt, and just in case you missed it, there was a tiarra involved as well. A friend of mine from high school decorates cakes and made an amazing cake for us too.

Ellie got amazing gifts from everyone, and the one thing I have to say about Ellie, is that she really does have the BEST reactions to things. She hugs them, squeals, gasps, even with clothes it is actually fun to watch this kid open presents.

Ellie got very spoiled with all her presents this year. She got a disney princess play tent, bedding, clothes. She got a build a bear and accessories, rain boots and matching coat, and her very first American Girl Doll. The funniest thing about the doll is that it has allowed her to not have the baby in her belly any more. She informed us that Claire came out, and she has made no mention of the baby in her belly since then (Thank you Lang family!!)

Ellie led the singing of Happy Birthday to herself. She is such a tool!

The day was even complete with a "Happy Birthday Meltdown". What day in the life of a three year old isn't complete without a meltdown birthday or not?