This is a picture of Ellie playing a fun new game we play in our house. We haven't been getting outside as much lately with my work schedule combined with the weather. I got an email from, (a site I have used for parenting information since I was pregnant with Ellie) as I do monthly for each of the girls (kind of like ideas for what milestones the might be hitting, what things kids their ages are going through etc.). The email was for Grace and suggested that letting her jump off a low stool would help her to develop balance and jump on her own...
Thus the stool game was born. We grab pillows from all the beds and lay them on the floor and let the girls jump from their bathroom stools onto them. Give us a little bit of outdoor type fun inside, and the girls think this is the jam!
ok I have this game I made up with our kids you and Warren should try. I take a pillow from the bed then have them jump up and down in the middle of the bed. You take the pillow and swing it back and forth -low enough for them (just above the bed) to jump over the pillow as you swing it under them. Your job is to swipe their legs out from under them and have them fall to the bed while they try to jump the pillow and prevent that. As they get good- you start to change your swing pattern. They love it. Make sure you are insured.. :)
Uncle baldy
Thanks Uncle John! That game sounds like a riot! Sounds a little like a "Dad game" though!
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