Friday, February 15, 2008

$40.00 Worth of Sanity

I knew it was not going to be easy. I tried to prepare myself, and the house for our new addition. I read books and sought advice on the internet, thinking this was something I could handle. We got Sadie on Sunday afternoon, and by Tuesday afternoon, I was ready for her to go back. It makes me feel like a complete failure to admit that, and I know there are plenty of people that were thinking "DUH!" but I honestly thought that I could do it. All I could think was that I wasn't going to have a single hair left on my head by the time this puppy grows out of the teething and we get her house trained. I called my Mom and expressed to her that I needed help, and in one single sentence, it came. "Remember when we first got Harley, we didn't let him everywhere in the house, we contained him to one area?" I got off the phone and sat there for a minute...OH MY GOD THAT IS IT! I have gates all over the house, thats what I need; a gate to keep Sadie in one area where I can keep my eye on her, where I can keep the kids out and away and her from eating their tasty fingers. Needless to say, I went out that afternoon and bought an extra wide gate, and Sadie is now confined to the kitchen. When I can police the girls with her, I let them in, when Warren is home to lend an extra set of eyes and hands, I let her out. Thus far, this really seems to be working for us. I know that like the kids, there will always be more obstacles to come, but for now, I feel so much better, the stress has eased, and my hair will not (yet) fall out! Thank you Mama!