We are the fortunate ones. Our little family is so blessed with an amazing extended family. Today, my Aunt Dawn and Uncle Paul took Ellie to Build-a-Bear with my cousin, Kelsey. Kelsey is 15 and the youngest of 5 kids Dawnie and Paulie have between them, so she wasn't the reason they went. They have been wanting to take Ellie somewhere to do something fun, and today was the day.
Ellie arrived home with a decked out Cat from Build-a-Bear and a balloon (pronounced baboon). This thing was clad with Disney Princess (all the rage in Ellie's life right now) outfit, bows on her ears and tail, and a pair of white dress shoes that Ellie told the employee were just PERFECT! Then they went out for dinner and Ellie got some chicken nuggets and chocolate milk ! What a night!
Warren and I talk all the time about the distinction between family and friend being choice, and we are so fortunate to be able to say that the vast majority of our friends are family. Between the two of us, we have an unbelievable network of love and support that I don't really know that most people have the good fortune to have. And our kids are so lucky to have all of them to spoil the snot out of them. I mean that as lovingly as they do.
It was our pleasure to be able to spend the time with Ellie. We have been fortunate to be able to call our family friends too!
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