Monday, February 11, 2008

Sadie Joins the Fun

Well, we did it. Sunday we got a puppy. While we knew we were getting a puppy, (we put a deposit down a few weeks ago) we thought we were just going to visit her this weekend. Ellie has been beside herself. She loves animals, and especially loves dogs. I spent a lot of time going over rules with her and telling her over and over that we were not going to be bringing her home this weekend. When we went to visit this weekend, the woman told us the vet had just cleared the dog last night, so we could take her home. It reminded me of the feeling I had when I had Ellie; leaving the hospital I just kept thinking, so you're just going to let me take her now???

So, we are at home with Sadie, and it is about the same as having another infant around. She is a schnoodle which is a schnauzer and poodle mix, and she is 7 weeks old. She's pretty cute. There is a lot of whining going on around the house. The puppy cried a lot yesterday, and she has done slightly better today, the girls are learning about the perils of puppy needle teeth and claws, and I am learning to get pee out of the carpet. So check out the pics and be patient if there aren't a lot of posts for a little bit, I may have my hands full for a little while!