We got a Camper! Warren, the girls and I are so excited! We have been shopping around for one for a little while this summer. I had initially resisted because I didn't realize how cushy these things really could be, and with Gracie still being young, I just wasn't sure. When I say initially, I mean Warren has been asking me since we were dating. We ended up walking into a deal that we just couldn't resist and turned out to be a steal! We got a very gently used 2006 camper for less than half of what we thought we were going to be spending. CAN'T BEAT IT!!! It has Air Conditioning and a microwave!
We have a couple of trips lined up this summer and I am sure I will be blogging about them with full pictures later. Warren's boss , John and his wife Barb have 3 kids, Bridget (4) and Josh (almost 2), and Jacob(6 weeks). We have been hanging out with them here and there over the last year, the kids get along really well and we seem to have a lot in common. We are going to be camping with them this summer too, and we are really looking forward to it! I'll keep you posted!
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